Once all the data has been entered into the Event fields, review the Event.
Click Start Review in the bottom right corner
- In the popup, select any desired preferences for the Event. Typically none of these preferences are needed. After the desired preferences are selected, click Okay.
- To add all items to the cart, select Review All in the Next Pop-up. If only added selected items to the cart, use the Review Selected option instead.
- Once the Review type is selected, the packages will be shown for adjustment and approval. Crops can be adjusted by dragging an image within the product's center. To move to the next package, click the next arrow.
- Once all packages in the order are reviewed, a pop-up will appear to add the items to the cart. To add the items, select “Add Items to Order”
Once the items are added to the cart the added packages will show in the cart. At this time, additional items can be added to the cart under Start Ordering, or additional Events can be run to add more to the cart. Please remember that any items or products added to the cart must be from the same catalog.
- Once all items for the order are in the cart, select the address type and options desired on the right side of the cart. Then click “Complete and Send” order to check out.
* Create Subject Cards/QR Codes (If you have the software to scan QR codes)
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